Welcoming reception evening, organized by Albuquerque Sister City Foundation with support of local Ukrainian community in Albuquerque for the Ukrainian delegates, who came to Albuquerque straight from different Ukrainian cities for a week, under the Congressional Office of International Leadership grant on community resilience and cultural heritage preservation.
3 years of war

3 years of war… 3 years of pain… We prayed today for everyone, who died, injured, who fights, who support, who engaged…
God, please, stop it as soon as possible!
We thank everyone for support and any help!!!!
More details on our Facebook Page
Evening of Prayer for Ukraine

Monday, February 24th marks three years since Ukraine was invaded and the ongoing war continues.
Join us on Saturday February 22nd at 5:30 pm as we gather together to share stories, and pray for Ukraine, defenders, children, lives lost and all Ukrainian people…
Share your hearts with us, and enjoy a bowl of borscht while we come together to pray for positive resolution and end to the war. (Borscht available by donation while quantities last.)
Location: 1044 Don Diego Avenue, Santa Fe, NM
MALANKA Winter Fest 2025

Malanka Winter Fest is a vibrant celebration of Ukrainian culture and community, featuring traditional music, dance, crafts, and cuisine. Enjoy authentic dishes, lively performances, and family-friendly activities that bring warmth and joy to the winter season. Perfect for embracing heritage or discovering something new! Despite Soviet attempts to suppress it, Malanka endured — celebrating the New Year with creativity, honouring ancestors, and keeping Ukrainian culture alive.
Let’s meet tomorrow January 18th at 4 pm for our traditional winter fun event Malanka. Live interactive show, food (potluck), fun, community and more!
We exited to see you all!!
Location: 425 Towne Park Dr NE, Albuquerque, NM, United States, New Mexico
Ukrainian Cultural Forces free music concert Santa Fe and ABQ

Dear Friends,
Cultural Forces is on a coast to coast tour thanking America for our support for Ukraine and will perform a variety of music next week on Wednesday, November 6 (the day after election day) at:
Santa Fe – from 12 noon til 1:30 pm at New Mexico Museum of Art, 107 W Palace Ave.
Albuquerque – starting at 5 pm at Kimo Theater, 423 Central Ave NW (corner 5th St.)
The live performances are free and you and your friends are cordially invited!
Cultural Forces brings together active servicemen and volunteers of artistic and creative trades. Through culture and the arts, Cultural Forces improve troop morale and provide psychological support to soldiers in combat and recovery zones. Professional artists before the war, most have fought in some of the fiercest battles of the war and, after recovering from their injuries, they’re getting back to playing music.
We hope to see you there and, if we forgot to invite anyone you’d like to bring along, seats will be available to accommodate your group. For any further information, please call UANM to leave a message at 505.990.8266.
Thank you!
Pam Feather,
President Albuquerque Sister Cities Foundation Inc.
Larysa Castillo,
President Ukrainian Americans of New Mexico Inc.
Photos: Commemoration of second anniversary of full scale Russian invasion of Ukraine at Civic Plaza

Ukrainian community members, organizational leaders, and supporters gather during a commemoration of second anniversary of full scale Russian invasion of Ukraine, with a bell ringing for peace and resilience, at Civic Plaza in Downtown Albuquerque, N.M., on Saturday, Feb. 24, 2024. (Chancey Bush/ Albuquerque Journal)
Full article on Albuquerque Journal
Two years later, Ukrainian Americans in New Mexico reflect on war’s toll

Nataliya Edelman’s return to her home city in Ukraine was traumatic.
When she visited in the fall, much of her native Bucha, Ukraine, a city 10 miles from Kyiv, lay in ruins after nearly two years of war.
In some parts charred, deserted buildings stood amid scattered refuse. Explosions had flipped cars, turning them into crumpled scrap heaps on the street.
Streets she had walked as a child were obliterated, with all the houses, buildings and trees gone — even the rubble had been cleaned up — leaving nothing but a haunting memory of what once was.
Even more devastating were the lives lost. Many people she knew had died at the hands of Russian invaders, and not just in battle…
Read full article on The Santa Fe New Mexican
32th Independence Day of Ukraine!
Dear Friends, we congratulate everyone on the Independence Day of Ukraine!
Today we celebrate the 32nd anniversary of independence.
32 years of courage and dignity.
Many thanks to everyone who brings our victory closer and defends our Independence. You are heroes that the whole world is proud of.
We Ukrainians are fighting and will definitely win!
Glory to Ukraine!
Друзі, вітаємо всіх з Днем Незалежності України!
Сьогодні ми святкуємо вже 32-гу річницю незалежності.
32 роки мужності та гідності.
Велика подяка кожному, хто наближає нашу перемогу та відстоює нашу незалежність. Ви герої, якими пишається весь світ.
Ми боремося та обов’язково переможемо. Слава Україні!!

Ukraine‘s Independence Day
Dear Friends,
We are preparing a celebration for Ukraine‘s Independence Day (the celebration will take place on August 27th). We are in real need of some extra hands/volunteers to help us with organizing everything.
If you or your children would like to take part in the concert, we have a fantastic choreographer Deneen who will help you with a dance number. If would like to prepare a song – we have our wonderfully talented piano accompanist Tatiana, who will help you with your solo.
We also could use some help in decorating the hall we’ll be celebrating at (that will most likely require showing up an hour earlier and assisting with set-up) or preparing some Ukrainian food.
Of you could bring some extra food, that would be great, too.
There will be games and prizes.
August 10th , at 9:00 pm we’ll have an organizational Zoom meeting. Please, let me knowing you’d like to join!
Шановні ,
ми готуємось до дня Незалежності, який будемо святкувати 27 серпня . Але я зараз знаходжусь в Україні і мені важкувато трохи Нам потрібна допомога , не вистачає волонтерів в організаційних питаннях .
Ви , чи ваші дітки може хочуть виступити на концерті ? В нас є чудова хореограф Deneen , яка ставить для нас танцювальну програму . Може ви хочете заспівати , то талановита Тетяна може вам акомпанувати на піаніно?
Нам потрібна допомога у декоруванні нашого залу(прийти треба раніше на годинку) , у приготуванні українських страв , чи може у вас є ідеї ?
Будуть розігруватись декілька призів , вартістью більше 50$
Будь ласка, пишіть мені в личку .
PS. Ми будемо раді, якщо ви зможете приготувати і принести щось до столу .
9.00 pm, 08.10.2023 відбудеться zoom meeting. Якщо ви бажаєте бути присутніми на мітингу , дайте знати !

Sister City pact between Albuquerque, NM and Kharkiv, Ukraine
We, Ukrainian Americans of New Mexico, are honoured and grateful to have been present at the historical signing of Sister City pact between Albuquerque, NM and Kharkiv, Ukraine.
Mayor Keller and Mayor Terekhov held a video conference during which the signing of the document took place. Both cities are looking forward to a life-long friendship, and productive and mutually beneficial relationship.
Ми , Ukrainian Americans of New Mexico маємо честь і вдячність бути присутніми на історичному підписанні договору про місто-побратим між Альбукерке, Нью-Мексико, та Харьків, Україна.
Мер Келлер і Мер Терехов провели відеоконференцію, під час якої відбулося підписання документу. Обидва міста сподіваються на дружня стосунки , а також на продуктивні та взаємовигідні стосунки.