3 years of war… 3 years of pain… We prayed today for everyone, who died, injured, who fights, who support, who engaged…
God, please, stop it as soon as possible!
We thank everyone for support and any help!!!!
More details on our Facebook Page
By Ivan
3 years of war… 3 years of pain… We prayed today for everyone, who died, injured, who fights, who support, who engaged…
God, please, stop it as soon as possible!
We thank everyone for support and any help!!!!
More details on our Facebook Page
By Nataliya
Ukrainian community members, organizational leaders, and supporters gather during a commemoration of second anniversary of full scale Russian invasion of Ukraine, with a bell ringing for peace and resilience, at Civic Plaza in Downtown Albuquerque, N.M., on Saturday, Feb. 24, 2024. (Chancey Bush/ Albuquerque Journal)
Full article on Albuquerque Journal
By Nataliya
Nataliya Edelman’s return to her home city in Ukraine was traumatic.
When she visited in the fall, much of her native Bucha, Ukraine, a city 10 miles from Kyiv, lay in ruins after nearly two years of war.
In some parts charred, deserted buildings stood amid scattered refuse. Explosions had flipped cars, turning them into crumpled scrap heaps on the street.
Streets she had walked as a child were obliterated, with all the houses, buildings and trees gone — even the rubble had been cleaned up — leaving nothing but a haunting memory of what once was.
Even more devastating were the lives lost. Many people she knew had died at the hands of Russian invaders, and not just in battle…
Read full article on The Santa Fe New Mexican
By Nataliya
Dear Friends, we congratulate everyone on the Independence Day of Ukraine!
Today we celebrate the 32nd anniversary of independence.
32 years of courage and dignity.
Many thanks to everyone who brings our victory closer and defends our Independence. You are heroes that the whole world is proud of.
We Ukrainians are fighting and will definitely win!
Glory to Ukraine!
Друзі, вітаємо всіх з Днем Незалежності України!
Сьогодні ми святкуємо вже 32-гу річницю незалежності.
32 роки мужності та гідності.
Велика подяка кожному, хто наближає нашу перемогу та відстоює нашу незалежність. Ви герої, якими пишається весь світ.
Ми боремося та обов’язково переможемо. Слава Україні!!
By Nataliya
UAofNM NM grateful to the U.S. and special to New Mexicans for providing both support for and an example of liberty . The American people stood with us and, we are sure, will stand with us to the end.
Wishing you the best and countless blessings on this momentous occasion!
“ Today, as Americans celebrate their freedom and independence, we celebrate with you and envision the day when every inch of Ukraine is free of the cruel tyranny that seeks to extinguish us,” Zelensky said.
By Nataliya
Ceremony for Legislative Memorials Supporting Ukraine
Elected leaders to present local Ukrainian-Americans with commemorative copies of recently-passed legislation
WHAT: Ceremony commemorating the passage of House Memorial 55 and Senate Memorial 64, which express New Mexico’s support for Ukraine in the face of Russian aggression, call attention to the death and destruction inflicted upon the country, and recognize the courage of Ukraine’s leadership, military, and citizens in fighting for their nation, freedom, and democracy.
Following their passage in the New Mexico legislature, these memorials were transmitted to President Biden, the U.S. Secretary of State, the U.S. Secretary of Defense, the U.S. Senate, the U.S. House, and the Ukrainian embassy.
* Members of New Mexico’s Ukrainian American community
* House Memorial 55 sponsor – House Majority Floor Leader Gail Chasey
* Senate Memorial 64 sponsor – Senators Brenda McKenna
* House and Senate Memorial sponsors and members of New Mexico’s Congressional Delegation invited
Our deep gratitude goes to people, who are not by-standers and really care about what is going on in Ukraine – Round House Majority Floor Leader Gail Chasey, Senator Brenda McKenna of the 9th District was represented by the other lady, Senator Harold Pope of the 23rd District, Representative William “Bill” Rehm is the 31st District, Alisa Lauer and Veronica Krupnick!
Support like this gives us a strong feeling that we are not lonely in our fight! Thank you also for thinking about next steps on the way to stopping this horrible war! God bless!
Для членів української громади в Нью-Мексико було великою честю отримати офіційні сертифікати Меморіалів, ухвалені нещодавно Палатою представників і Законодавчим органом штату Нью-Мексико на підтримку України проти російської агресії.
Наша глибока повага та вдячність висловлюються людям, які не є сторонніми перехожими і дійсно небайдужі до того, що відбувається в Україні – лідеру парламентської більшості Gail Chasey , сенатору Brenda McKenna, сенатору Harold Pope , депутат William “Bill” Rehm i Alisa Lauer, and Veronica Krupnick .
Така підтримка дає нам сильне відчуття, що ми не самотні у нашій боротьбі! Також дякую, що думаєте про наступні кроки на шляху до припинення цієї жахливої війни! Боже здоров’я!
Копії цих Меморіалів будуть передані до Посольства України в США
By Nataliya
Today is Taras Shevchenko Birthday, 9 March 1814 – 10 March 1861.
He was a Ukrainian poet, writer, artist, public and political figure, folklorist and ethnographer. His literary heritage is regarded to be the foundation of modern Ukrainian literature and, to a large extent, the modern Ukrainian language, though this is different from the language of his poems. Shevchenko is also known for his many masterpieces as a painter and an illustrator.
By Nataliya
Like New Mexico, Ukraine is home of freedom, community, and art.
Join the Albuquerque Film & Music Experience (AFMX) and Filmmakers for Ukraine in this first-ever event bringing the Ukrainian and New Mexican film communities together to raise awareness and funds for Ukrainian filmmakers and others in Ukraine facing dire situations.
Filmmakers for Ukraine, a global group of filmmakers volunteering their time, prioritizes helping filmmakers, their families and disadvantaged groups in Ukraine who otherwise may not receive the urgent help they need. Proceeds from your ticket purchase will provide critical aid to get them through the cold winter months and beyond.
For just $20, you’ll get to see a hand-curated block of short films, and Sundance 2022 winner and Academy Award Nominated documentary, A House Made of Splinters, which Variety calls “an affecting diary of life continuing in the worst of circumstances.”
Film Block #1 from 3:00pm to 4:30pm
• Liza and her Anthill by Anastasia Ivaniuk
• Holiday by Zhanna Maksymenko-Dovhych
• The Night Express by Maryna Artemenko & Oksana Artemenko
• To Russia with Love by Jeffrey Lee Robinson
• SIBS film by Derek Johnson
Film Block #2 from 5:00pm to 7:00pm
A House Made of Splinters by Simon Lereng Wilmont; (World Cinema Documentary: Best Directing at Sundance Film Festival 2022, Best Nordic Documentary at Götenborg Film Festival 2022, The golden Alexander and The FIPRESCI award at Thessaloniki Documentary Festival 2022); Short-list for consideration at the 2023 Academy Awards.
By Nataliya
By Nataliya
New Mexico’s Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham proclaimed November 20, 2022 through November 26, 2022 “Ukrainian Genocide Remembrance Week”.
The Ukrainian Holodomor (1932-33) was one of the most tragic events in the history of the world. In acknowledgement of its scale, the famine of 1932–33 is often called the Holodomor, a term derived from the Ukrainian words for hunger (holod) and extermination (mor).
Millions died a slow and painful death during peacetime in Joseph Stalin’s man-made famine/genocide while the Soviets continued exporting Ukraine’s grain to the rest of the world.
The Soviets and the Russians tried for many decades to conceal this atrocity from the world.
Today, the whole world watches in horror as Putin’s war/genocide against Ukraine devastates Ukraine once again trying to deny them their God given and sovereign Right to Life as a free people.
Stephan J. Welhasch
Press Secretary, UAofNM